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Our first hospital installation goes live

Hospitals are notoriously difficult to get around. They are typically large, complex places, often with several buildings, some old and some new, connected via a variety of bridges, lifts and stairs.  Hospitals are really challenging places for indoor wayfinding.

To make it more difficult, if you’re visiting a hospital you’re probably a little bit worried and in a hurry, and not in much of a state to concentrate on the detailed and complicated instructions from the front desk. 

That’s why we are so pleased and proud to announce that we’ve mapped our first hospital, St Vincent’s Public Hospital in Sydney. BindiMaps is an in-app indoor wayfinding solution reinvented for indoor environments, including complex hospital buildings.

Like most hospitals, St Vincent’s is large and complicated, but now visitors and patients can easily visit their friends and loved ones, or attend clinics or outpatient services, with all the wayfinding directions they need right on their smartphones. 

All three floors of the vast hospital are mapped and locations include the Emergency Department, the ICU area, day surgery offices, clinics, waiting areas and major wards. 

BindiMaps makes it easy for patients, staff and visitors to find their way around the hospital, including turn-by-turn indoor navigation, common-sense language, and indoor maps to guide you to wherever you’re going.

The hospital expects the BindiMaps installation to compliment existing wayfinding systems such as volunteers and signage, providing a better experience for visitors, patients and staff. It is also expected to cut down on the time needed for staff to provide directions to visitors, allowing them to focus on other tasks. 

Finally, the hospital expects to make use of Bindilytics, our new data analysis and reporting platform. Bindilytics records heat maps, paths and common searches and arrivals to let building managers know how their building assets are being used. 

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