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Commercial Building Wesley Place gets BindiMaps treatment

Charter Hall’s beautiful new Wesley Place building at 130 Collins Street in Melbourne is our latest commercial building installation. It is just down the road from another BindiMaps location, 150 Collins Street.

Wesley Place is the first of what we hope will be many Charter Hall commercial and retail properties that boast the BindiMaps navigation and Wayfinding system. The building will house Charter Hall’s head office and corporate players including Telstra.

Charter Hall’s swanky new Wesley Place commercial building. The first of many Charter Hall sites to be BindiMapped.

As part of this new arrangement with Charter Hall, BindiMaps will be featured in the Charter Hall Charli app, which is used the entire Charter Hall portfolio of 60 commercial buildings.  

BindiMaps technology has made the lower ground, ground and first floors of the A-grade building accessible, but sections of the building are currently under construction, and we’re looking forward to rolling out to many other floors in the building once they’re complete. 

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