Get a quote


Suite 202, 120 Bourke Street Woolloomooloo NSW 2011

Get in touch via the form below

Costs vary based on the size of the space. Use the calculator below to get a quote. 

Submit your details below to get an approximate quote for your space.
Don’t forget to deduct all back-of-house and other areas where navigation is not required.

BindiMaps Installations

Installing BindiMaps is quick, easy and completely managed our team.

Group 18-min

Timeline 2-4 weeks preparation

Group 18-min

Timeline 24-48 hours installation

Timeline 2-4 weeks preparation

Timeline 24-48 hours installation

What Does it Cost?

Submit your details below to get an approximate quote for your space. Costs vary based on the size of the space. Use the calculator below to get a quote.

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