Stockland Burleigh Heads in the Gold Coast is BindiMaps’ first Queensland shopping centre, joining others in NSW and Victoria.
The centre was officially launched on December 3, the United Nations International Day for Persons with Disability, and the Seven Network was there to record the event, which made the evening news.
The Stockland Burleigh shopping centre is the first in Queensland to launch a phone app to help the vision impaired. The technology guides users around the shops, through their smartphones. @DaniMcPherson7 #7NEWS
— 7NEWS Gold Coast (@7NewsGoldCoast) December 5, 2019
To celebrate the launch, we invited users who were blind or vision impaired to a Big Day Out event to explore the centre and become familiar with the app.
The day was a huge success, with so many attendees that we had to hire a bus to bring them in from surrounding areas.
Attending on the day were representatives from Stockland, and Guide Dogs Queensland, who supplied an orientation and mobility specialist for the event.

These Big Day Out events are now becoming a regular part of our rollout plans, introducing users in the local area to our app. They also provide an excellent opportunity for us to gain some user feedback from first-time users.
We’re grateful to our friends at Stockland, Blind Citizens Australia, Guide Dogs Queensland and several local Blind and Vision Impaired groups for supporting the event!